Monday, March 04, 2013

Goethe’s Other Coptic Song – Ein Andres

Ein Andres (Kophtisches Lied II)

Geh! Gehorche meinen Winken,

Nutze deine jungen Tage,

Lerne zeitig klüger sein!

Auf des Glückes großer Waage

Steht die Zunge selten ein.

Du mußt steigen oder sinken,

Du mußt herrschen und gewinnen

Oder dienen und verlieren,

Leiden oder triumphieren,

Amboß oder Hammer sein.

Йохан Волфганг Гьоте , "Кофтска песен "
Превод от немски: Димитър Стоевски

Чуй и следвай моите думи

    не пилей напразно дните,

    постарай се да си умен —

    рядко случва се везните

    на съдбата да са спрели.

    Ще се дигаш или падаш,

    ще владееш и печелиш,

    ще робуваш и ще губиш,

    ще ликуваш или страдаш

    длъжен си да бъдеш тук

    наковалня или чук!

Translated by James Clarence Magnan

Go ! — but heed and understand

This my last and best command :

Turn thine Youth to such advantage

As that no reverse shall daunt Age.

Learn the serpent’s wisdom early ;

And contemn what Time destroys ;

Also, wouldst thou creep or climb,

Chuse thy role, and chuse in time,

Since the scales of Fortune rarely

Shew a liberal equipoise.

Thou must either soar or stoop,

Fall or triumph, stand or droop ;

Thou must either serve or govern,

Must be slave, or must be sovereign ;

Must, in fine, be block or wedge,

Must be anvil or be sledge.

Translated by Edgar Alfred Bowring

Go! obedient to my call,

Turn to profit thy young days,

Wiser make betimes thy breast

In Fate’s balance as it sways,

Seldom is the cock at rest;

Thou must either mount, or fall,

Thou must either rule and win,

Or submissively give in,

Triumph, or else yield to clamour:

Be the anvil or the hammer.

Translated by William Grasett Thomas

Go ! thy master’s beck obey,
Profit of thy early days,
“Wisdom learn without delay :
On the scales of Fortune stays
Seldom e’er the tongue at rest ;
Rise thou must, or be depressed,
Rule and gain must be for thee,
Or must learn to serve and lose,
Triumph must or suffering choose,
Hammer must or anvil be.

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